Von Wafer chiede su Twitter un'altra opportunità in NBA
Von Wafer molto critico con sé stesso per il talento sprecato, spera di avere un'altra opportunità in NBA

Von Wafer è stato molto critico con sé stesso per il tanto talento sprecato. Von Wafer è reduce da una stagione tra Cina e Porto Rico. Von Wafer non gioca in NBA dal 2011-2012 quando per 33 incontri vestì la maglia dei Magic.
Questi alcuni Tweet degli ultimi giorni di Von Wafer.
Feel like only 3 dwade kd Lebron where better wing free agents then myself That's my opinion that's how I feel
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 23 luglio 2016
One more chance please. Who ever gives me that opportunity won't be sorry put that on my baby put that on my soul
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 25 luglio 2016
wish I had this mentality at a young age. I don't care how talented you are if ur mind is not in the rt place talent can only go so far
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 26 luglio 2016
I pray for another opportunity man. It may never come. Take that as a lesson make the most of everything u are given. Nothing is promised
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 26 luglio 2016
Please kids don't be like me. Wasted so much God givin talented over the years but that's cool we moving forward and doing it Rt now.
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 26 luglio 2016
I'm not ashamed to get on social media and beg for an opportunity back in the nba. I don't care about nothing just give me an opportunity
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 26 luglio 2016
Not about either because I'm str8 on That end. my legacy on tha line man. I'm not goin out like that. There will only be 1 Von wafer
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 26 luglio 2016
if I don't get a call by the 15th. I'm going to start going to nba facilities and asking what do I need to do just need a opportunity.
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 26 luglio 2016
Fuccc tha money. Give me tha opportunity I'll make tha rest myself.
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 27 luglio 2016
Fuccc a contract fucc tha millions. Give me a look give me a chance a opportunity I'll do the rest. Starving out here. Hungry out here.
— Vakeaton wafer (@vonwafer13) 27 luglio 2016