Rolands Freimanis conferma che resterà al Khimik
Il giocatore non lascia l'Ucraina

Rolands Freimanis, visto lo scorso anno alla Sutor, rimarrà al Khimik nonostante gli eventi che stanno accadendo in Ucraina.
Questo il suo messaggio su Twitter.
This is my message to you all! Thank you all for your support!
I am a professional basketball player, I am Latvian! But, for today, I am partly a Ukrainian, because Ukraine is the place, where I perform my professional duty - playing basketball! I have met many wonderful people here so far, different nationalities! Nevertheless, I have become a witness of the events, which most people in the world see in their TV's, read on the internet or discuss between themselves! This is my reality, becoming more and more uncertain! I just want to say this - there are no winners in any war, there can be only losers, therefore I would like to express my hope, that all Ukrainians, Russians, Tatars and other people of Ukraine could avoid war! May all of us return to what we know the best and what we do best!
Now, many people called me recently, telling me to leave, due to the unstable situation in Ukraine, well, I am not doing that! I will stay here, it is the least I can do for the fans of our team. These times are already hard for them, therefore, I am staying here unless all the competition is cancelled for good! We have not stated our final statement in Eurocup, as well as in Ukrainian League, being the lone leaders here. This is the most successful season in the history of our club, coach Muižnieks trusts me, the management of the team has been great, so we will continue!
Good luck to us and Ukraine!
Rolands Freimanis