Lo Zalgiris cede Martin Geben in prestito al BCJuventus per una stagione
Da senior a Notre Dame Geben ha fatto registrare medie di 11.1 punti e 8 rimbalzi

Lo Zalgiris Kaunas ha ufficializzato il prestito del centro Martin Geben al BCJuventus per la prossima stagione.
#Zalgiris loans center @Martin_Geben to @BCJuventus for 1 season.
— BC Zalgiris Kaunas (@bczalgiris) 11 settembre 2018
"Martin looked good in our practice camp and now we want for him to get stronger, to get regular playing time that he would come back to #Kaunas as more improved player" - sports director Robertas Javtokas said. pic.twitter.com/H1DbgbwmeT
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